Save with Bitmore discount codes, vouchers and deals for December 2024. We donate 5% towards the Rainforest Conservation projects every time you use our voucher codes.
Yes, there are Bitmore discount codes or voucher codes available. Here are some of the latest Bitmore voucher codes and deals:
Voucher Shares voucher codes website only shows Bitmore voucher codes and discount codes that are valid for December 2024
We believe that the best Bitmore voucher codes give you top discounts and the best savings as well as helping to support Green and Sustainable Projects
With every purchase you make on Bitmore website, they are planting trees! Bitmore voucher codes from Voucher Shares website help you to get the best discount on Bitmore products but it does not stop there. Every time you buy Bitmore products through us, we donate towards the international conservation projects. Using Bitmore voucher codes from our website saves you money and helps to save the planet.
Valid until Dec 31
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Established in 2012, Bitmore® is a London based brand that specialises in bringing the latest innovative technology, gadgets and accessories to the market. We deliver design-led, high quality and innovative technology to the discerning customer.
'Bitmore' has over the last 4 years become the 'go to' gadgets brand for major global airlines across the world such as BA, Virgin, Emirates, Etihad, Air Canada, Saudi Air, Cathay Pacific etc, and more close to home, airlines such as EasyJet, Ryan Air, TUI, Vueling, Wizz Air to name a few. Our products are sold on over 1600 routes worldwide, and on more than 60+ airlines worldwide. Our produts are seen by over 350 million traveling passengers worldwide per year.
Our product roadmap for 2020/21 is based around sustainability, and we will be one of the worlds first brands to release a range of electronics using 30-50% less plastic in our prodcts via the use of new cutting edge production techniques. It's an excting time to join our programme as we enter a new era of sustainable eco freindly consumer electronics...
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