Amazon Rainforest Fires – the reality of the situation

Amazon Rainforest Fires – the reality of the situation

 Why we should all take notice of the Amazon Fires

As we all know from watching the news the Amazonian rainforest is on fire. Although catastrophic it is not unusual, rainforest fires are a common annual occurrence unfortunately across Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, Madagascar, Congo and all other rainforests. 

However, that is not to say it’s ok, although rainforests have always experienced fires they are usually wild fires, this fire is fuelled by the demand for cheap soy, beans and wood and started by man. The threat from many scientists is that the fires could turn up the heat on global warming, something that will affect us all. 

Why is the Amazon Rainforest on Fire?

Rainforests are bursting with life. There are millions of species of plants, insects and animals live in rainforests, but also people, indigenous, or native tribes that have been there for many thousands of years. Yet despite this mankind is quickly destroying them. 

Years of over farming, coupled with the apparent shift in demand of such crops from the US to Brazil due to trade wars (according to the Guardian newspaper) has caused large parts of the rainforest to become baron and bare. This causes fires to spread quickly, some of these fires have been started by humans to clear space or burn left over materials. Fires can now spread way more quickly, causing even more devastation on everything that lives there.

What can we do to help the Amazon Rainforest? 

As you know, Voucher Shares supports an International Conservation Charity - World Land Trust

Please take your time to read WLT latest news articleAmazon Rainforest Fires – your questions answered;  and watch the video, recorded by one of the WLT patrons - Steve Backshall: Protect tropical rainforests from forest fires with World Land Trust


Contributing to WLT’s Action Fund will ensure your donation will be directed to wherever it is needed the most. Please donate today by clicking this link. And remember to share this article with your friends to encourage them to do the same.  

Remember we support the World Land Trust Action Fund too so every time you make a purchase via our website you are helping the planet.  

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