Celebrate National Bike Week with everything that Electric Bikes and Scooters Offer

Celebrate National Bike Week with everything that Electric Bikes and Scooters Offer

Bike Week runs from 6 - 14th and marks an annual celebration  of all that is bikes and cycling. The UK love bikes with around 20 million people owning or having access to one. And sales of bikes have grown even more since Covid-19.

Of course, all transport requires some form of energy but no doubt about it aside from walking and running, bikes are about as green as it gets with electric bikes, scooters and cars a close second. All are way more environmentally friendly than fossil fuel driven modes of transport.

People are searching for alternative modes of transport that are safer than say public transport which brings us into closer proximity with other people. This coupled with a Government plan to trial electric scooter rentals as soon as July '20 makes the surge in bike sales likely to continue.

There’s no doubt that getting out in the fresh air on a bike or scooter whether it’s push, pedal or electric powered is better for the environment, you and your health more so now than ever before.

This brings the spotlight onto Pure Electric one our retailers who is smashing it! Pure Electric offers electric bikes, electric scooters, hybrid bikes and all of the accessories to boot. They are making inroads in the world of electric bikes and scooters, all of their products are shipped out of the UK. They have grown fast which is testament to the increased popularity in greener modes of transport.

The environmental benefits that moving away from the use of fossil fuels towards pedal or electric power are abundantly clear. To put it into perspective smog kills more people than smoking, Covid-19 has killed 40,000 people in the UK this year which is tragic, a lesser known fact is that smog causes between 8-12M deaths around the world annually and according to the Independent Newspaper it killed 64,000 people in 2015 in the UK. It’s a double whammy if we can reduce smog and the spread of Covid-19 right?

Smog is air pollution that reduces visibility. Modern day smog is photochemical smog which is generated when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides and one or more volatile organic compound (VOC) in the atmosphere. Fossil fuels generate nitrogen which come from coal, paints, gas, petrol, diesel, oil and even some cleaning solvents. The smog forms when the collide forming ground level ozone and airborne particles.

The ozone layer can affect us in two ways, if it is close to the ground whereby it gets into our lungs causing lung tissue damage and when it breaks down in the atmosphere causing the suns harmful rays to penetrate more fiercely onto earth.

So if you are looking to buy an electric bike, electric scooter or hybrid electric bike check out Pure Electric offers first. You could save up to 30% with Pure Electric discount codes, vouchers and deals in June 2020.


Miranda Coombes, mother of 2, passionate about the environment,

keen horse rider, marathon runner and a business owner

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