5 Easy Steps to Transform your Garden During Lock-Down

5 Easy Steps to Transform your Garden During Lock-Down

Some of us have a lot of extra time on their hands during lock down, depending on whether you have kids of course! And even those of us who don’t are most certainly benefiting from the wonderous weather that has made lock down much more bearable!

It’s no surprise that sales of garden furniture, greenhouses, seeds, plants and BBQs have gone through the roof! And spending more time in our garden makes us think about how we can improve our garden without getting a landscaper in.

Even if you live in a rental property or have a small terrace there are still things you can to improve your garden on a budget. We have 5 easy peasey steps to transform your garden, after all it is only May and we have the whole summer to look forward to so now is the time to get it sorted.

You can pretty much kit out your garden with everything you need using Made.com discount codes for top quality garden furniture, CoxandCox.com discount codes, voucher codes, and deals for garden sets and swinging double chairs, hammocks and hanging tepees for kids. I recommend Thompson and Morgan for your plants, seeds and trees.

Made.com Voucher Code and Offers on Garden Furniture

It’s amazing how a new garden furniture set can completely transform your garden. It can turn your outdoor space into somewhere to really relax.  Made.com offers their staple Copa ratten table and chair lounge set, I bought one last year and the thing I love most about it is that apart from the fact it looks great is it is made from plastic ratten so unlike some of my wooden lounge furniture which looks hideous now, this will stand the test of time. I am really tempted with the Copa ratten hanging chair that Made.com offers too but it is currently out of stock.

Made.com voucher codes are offered on refer a friend and new email sign-ups so make sure you check Made.com’s latest offers on VoucherShares.com before buying.

Cox and Cox Voucher Codes and Offers on Garden Furniture

Cox and Cox offers a double indoor outdoor hanging chair which I love! Made out of a grey metal frame and faux wicker chair, it comes with a cream cushion and can be used indoors and outdoors. Use Cox and Cox 25% off voucher codes to save on your order. And be sure to check out Cox and Cox clearance section which is packed full of goodies.

Thompson and Morgan Voucher Codes and Offers on Seeds and Plants

Not everyone is in the position to invest in new garden furniture and plenty of people are happy with their current set. In that case, a little sprucing up could be just the ticket. You could just plant some seeds and flowers to bring some beautiful colours out and wonderous smells which the birds and bees will thank you for as they gently fly about.

There’s still time to plant seeds and Thompson and Morgan offers flower plants too which arrived already potted and about to bloom. If you have the space then why not get some cucumber plants? I just ordered some to put in my greenhouse but they will be equally happy at this time of year in pots (the skins may be a bit harder but they are still way tastier and packed full of much more goodness than the supermarket alternatives).

Top 5 Steps to Transform your Garden

  1. Buy garden furniture that lasts. Buy garden furniture which will stand the test of time like Made.com’s ratten copa set which look jus as good today as they did 3 years ago in my garden

  2. Buy self seeding flowers. Furnish your garden with blooms and bushes that keep giving year after year. Cornflowers and marigolds self seed and come up every year so are a great option. Our go to for seeds and flowers is Thompson and Morgan.

  3. Buy colourful garden pots. Buy beautiful pots that look great and add the finishing touch to any garden. Made.com offers some lovely brightly coloured pots but if you are after something more neutral then Cox and Cox offers some lovely light coloured and grey pots.

  4. Buy a garden hammocks. Hammocks are a fantastic low cost alternative to garden furniture if you have a couple of trees which are in the right place!  Check out Hammocks from B & Q.

  5. Buy a BBQ! Every garden needs a BBQ! Choose a low cost charcoal BBQ or splash our on a gas BBQ from B & Q.

If you want to go that little bit further then consider herbs, bulbs and seeds with a different colour scheme. By the time the next flowering season arrives your garden will feel completely different and full of colour. Check out all VoucherShares.co.uk garden offers here. 

Miranda Coombes

Miranda Coombes, mother of 2, passionate about the environment,

keen horse rider, marathon runner and a business owner

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