Exclusive voucher codes and deals to celebrate Singles Day with Voucher Shares

Exclusive voucher codes and deals to celebrate Singles Day with Voucher Shares

Happy Singles Day!

The Single people lifestyle is celebrated around the world this week. Singles Day, also known as Guanggun Jie, was first celebrated in Asia. It is a shopping holiday popular among young Chinese people that celebrate their pride in being single. The date, November 11th (11/11), was chosen because the number "1" resembles an individual who is alone.

Today, more and more people embrace the single lifestyle, when busy life, hobbies and individual freedom often takes priority over a relationship commitment.

But this year must feel different. When we went into the first Lockdown in March, many faced a dilemma: do they self-isolate alone, or do they risk it and commit to spending lockdown time with someone they fancy? It was reported on the news that a fair few happy relationships came out of the last-minute risky decision.

Now most of the UK is in the little more relaxed Lockdown 2. Many more businesses are open and we are all much more used to the video calls and working from home set up. I personally feel this Lockdown is not as lonely. So, no rush – if you love being single and enjoy your personal freedom – Happy Singles Day to you!

As I mentioned in my last year's Singles Day blog, I used to run an Online Dating Technology platform for many years, so if you want any Online Dating Tips, or online safety advice, you are very welcome to revisit my Happy Singles Day! Do we really want to talk about Dating? blog. And to keep up with the best single traditions, there are plenty of deals and offers to help you treat yourself and don’t risk your bank balance too much. Here at Voucher Shares we have few Exclusives just for you.

Skincare and Beauty Singles Day offers and voucher codes.

To celebrate World Singles Day LOOKFANTASTIC has a massive 30% Discount all this week. You can treat yourself to some amazing skincare and beauty products with 30% OFF many top brands. And it does not stop here. You can use Voucher Shares Exclusive 15% OFF LOOKFANTASTIC voucher code for the products that are not included into other on-site discounts to save even more.

HQhair also has a great selection of the World Singles Day specials. Check out the latest HQhair voucher codes and deals, and don't forget to use Voucher Shares Exclusive 15% OFF HQhair voucher code for the products that may not be discounted otherwise.

Dark skinned woman enjoys skincare product

For the guys, Mankind’s man grooming products selection makes your online shopping easy and stress free (if you are that kind of guy who does not like shopping that much). Mankind online shop helps you save time (and money) and still look your best to celebrate World Singles Day (and be super attractive to the potential “other half” - who knows… ) Use Voucher Shares Exclusive 15% OFF Mankind voucher code to save on selected full price products that you may wish to buy.

Another good brand to check out for trendy beauty products - Beauty Expert. The truth is in its name - you can find a massive selection of anything you may wish for - from skincare to fragrance, from makeup to hair and bodycare. And, of course, we do have Exclusives there for you too - use Voucher Shares Exclusive Beauty Expert voucher code to save even more!

Singles Travels offers

Travel is a bit tricky at the moment, but we all hope that our lives are going to be back to normal soon. I love traveling myself and cannot wait to get to my next adventure trip. If you feel a bit unsure about travelling by yourself, don't worry - we got you covered. There is a good number of quality travel companies that offer Singles travel packages, guided tours and small group adventures.

Single woman relaxing in nature

Exodus Travels is my personal favourite. You can choose your destination and adventure difficulty level, book your dates and let this amazing company take care of the rest. Exodus Travels offer small groups adventure tours, where many of the group members are individual people, who meet each other for the first time. All the activities are designed around participation and making friends. I went on holidays with Exodus Travels with my husband and our friends (you can read about my Northern Lights Holidays Iceland adventure on my blog) , but half of our group were just individuals from around the world. The trip was amazing and I will definitely be booking another one again soon.

Another good travel company to check out is Just You travels. Just You is the UK's number one for single travellers, offering wonderful escorted tours in more than 40 countries. Check out Just You voucher codes and let your adventure begin!

How about Online Dating?

As probably one of the very few true Online Dating experts (from the point of view of how online dating websites actually work) I can reliably say - go for it if you feel it's what you really want. But, like with everything else in life - approach it sensibly and with a bit of humour. Online dating is no different to meeting someone in a pub - but this pub is just much much bigger. And with all our lives moving online since March 2020 - Online Dating seems like an obvious choice to go.

Two Love hearts on a sand

If you are looking for something serious, try eHarmony Online Dating and Matchmaking website. Not going out right now? eHarmony Members can get to know each other safely and securely with eharmony’s brand new Video Date feature. Forget all the awkwardness of first dates and get those all-important first impressions without leaving your home.

Want something easy to socialise, but still want to filter out all time wasters? Try BeChoosy - the UK online dating website that allows you to select your potential date based on the interests and other criterias. Please feel free to use my online dating tips to make your online dating experience enjoyable and safe.

And in a meantime - Happy Singles Day!

Tatiana Larsen

Tanya Larsen, mother of 3, keen gardener, world traveller and a business owner

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