Looking for Grooming Products for dogs? Check out Dog Chews voucher codes & offers.

Looking for Grooming Products for dogs? Check out Dog Chews voucher codes & offers.

Where’s the best place to get Grooming Products discount codes & offers?

I have a very unusual breed of dog, a Lagotto Romagnolo. He’s an Italian truffle hound, often mistaken for a labradoodle. He has so many plus points, very similar characteristics to a Labrador and doesn’t malt! We thought we were onto a winner! However, amazing as TinTin is, when it comes to care and grooming it takes way longer and costs much more than caring for a dog that malts.

How to care for a Lagotto Romagnolo and all other dogs

Deals on dog clippers

Did you have issues caring for your dog during lockdown? We did, his hair doesn’t stop growing so we had to trim it ourselves (nightmare). Luckily I came across an amazing Dog Chews offer for some clippers which were a god send! Check out the Dog Chews Voucher Code for 15% off which is live at the point of writing this. 

Deals on dog grooming kits

After being so impressed with it I bought the  which is a 4 piece stainless steel set which comes with curved scissors for trimming sensitive areas, this is my most used piece because TinTin needs regular trims around his eyes (so he can see) and his ears (because otherwise they get full of wax). There are 2 other pairs of scissors, flat scissors for quick and easy trimming on not so sensitive areas, thinning scissors and a comb too. 

Dog Chews professional dog grooming kit

I love the colour of the grooming kit too! It’s a metallic colour with a purple shine to it. It comes in a case too so I can keep everything together. It is my go to for my Lagotto’s care and maintenance between taking him to the groomers for a trim and shampoo. Much as I loved the trimmers I will be taking TinTin to the groomers in future, I am not very good at cutting hair and it takes me ages, however they are super useful for when we get stuck and cheaper than one grooming appointment so I definitely recommend! 

Lagotto Romagnolo

Other dog care products 

Understanding the specific needs of your dog is crucial to providing the correct care, for example a caring for a Lagotto Romagnoll is very different than caring for a Labrador. Here are Voucher Shares other recommended products on keeping your dog looking and smelling nice, they are all from Dog Chews as at the moment they simply have some great deals on! 

Dog toothpaste is great at kicking smells omitted not just from your dogs mouth but around his muzzle area, the mint breaks through like nothing else! Dog Chews dog toothpaste comes in a gel format and is the Trixie brand. It’s selling at £9.99 but if you use the 15% off Dog Chews Voucher Code you’ll save £1.50! 

It’s always a good idea to wash your dog if they smell try the absorbent hooded bath robe for towelling your dog down afterwards! And don’t forget your nail clippers, there are 3 different types to choose from on Dog Chews Online. Be careful though, if you cut to far up the nail it could bleed! 

So whatever your grooming requirements are make sure you check out Dog Chews Voucher Codes first to make some great savings on your pet essentials! 

Miranda Coombes

Miranda Coombes, mother of 2, passionate about the environment,

keen horse rider, marathon runner and a business owner

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