What is the line-up for Glastonbury Festival 2019 and Other Questions you will be Asking About the Worlds’ Biggest Greenfield Festival which lands in Blighty tomorrow bang on Que for a Mini Heat Wave! Boom!
Glastonbury Festival is THE Mother of all festivals! And I should know, I've been going since I was 16 and it's on my doorstep! Wherever I have been in the World I am always back for Glastonbury and now I live a 10-minute walk away.
Glastonbury Festival grows in popularity every year and was even voted the Worlds’ 2nd largest lifestyle brand a few years back behind Nike! Although I know this I cannot find anything online about this now, please comment on this blog and share a link if you can find this info.
When Did Glastonbury Festival Start?
Glastonbury Festival started in 1970 by Michael Eavis on Worthy Farm where it is still held to this day. It was held the day after Jimi Hendrix legend sadly passed away. It is traditionally held over the Summer Solstice but not this year. Glastonbury Festival went from strength to strength and is held most years often taking every 5th year or so off as a fallow year to give the farm land a break.
Are Festivals Growing in Popularity?
Well Glastonbury certainly is and according to UK Music, who are the official music industry trade body, 4 million people went to a festival in 2017, which is the most recent year which holds such figures. 5 years previously only 3 million went so yes it most definitely is growing. According to The Association of Independent Festivals, festival goers spent around £400 per head at each event which I guess isn't that much if you think how much you might spend on a night out in London and considering how expensive some of the food is at festivals.
Is Glastonbury Festival Safe?
Glastonbury in the nineties was a bit of a free for all which is quite fitting for the nineties vibe really! You could get in for free and it wasn't particularly safe but despite this pretty much all of the best nineties bands played there and it was still brilliant; Pulp, Bjork, Blur, Oasis, Suede, Radio Head, The Orb, even Cold Play played in the mid-nineties before they hit the big time in early 2000. It was THE place to be despite the edgy dark side which was quashed around 2002 with increased security higher and extra fencing and increased police presence.
I would say Glastonbury today is safe but with the increased threat from terrorism it’s probably about as safe as anywhere is these days. Just be vigilant and respect the extra security which is aimed at keeping you and your friends / loved ones safe.
How do you get Glastonbury Tickets?
With great difficulty unless you live within close proximity to the festival! The best way to try, try and keep on trying and trying as soon as they go on sale and for goodness sake make sure you have your registration details to hand, everyone needs to register for tickets. Click here to visit the Glastonbury Festival website and register ready for next year if you haven't already registered. If you've already registered then there's no need to re-register.
Where is Glastonbury Held?
Glastonbury isn't actually held in Glastonbury at all but 6 miles away in the lovely village of Pilton, renowned for its steep hills and breath-taking views over the valleys, one of which is home to Glastonbury Festival. Other nearby towns of interest are Shepton Mallet, the nearest town which is only 2 miles away and a bit further out is up and coming Bruton which is now famously known as Somerset’s Notting Hill, Howser and Wirth have recently opened there too so it's definitely living up to its reputation.
Where to stay during Glastonbury Festival?
Glastonbury is now an amazing 5 day epic journey that nobody is ever prepared for! It's as vast as it is amazing, check the stages and bands and line up, it's mind boggling! You’ll probably walk miles every single day so if you want to get the most out of it make sure your shoes and bed is comfy and you get a good nights’ sleep (sounding a bit old there!!).
You can stay on site in a tent which is fun when you're young, fit, never have to get up early and your body melts into anything. These days many revellers stay off site and Glamp or rent a Airstream but costs can be in the thousands, although many Pilton residents rent out rooms which are reasonably priced, nice, comfy, warm and quiet. Or get a house in Pilton which works out best value, you can get a house for around £5k and it will sleep 10-12 which isn’t bad especially considering the money you will save by taking ice cold beer into the festival and setting off after a hearty breakfast! Festival Sorted specialises in Glasto rentals and has the best, local selection of houses and rooms and you can be guaranteed a great, honest service.
Some of the of the off-site Glampsites offer Michelin star chefs, cocktails, Land Rovers in and out of the festival which the likes of The Beckhams and Rooneys of this world have been paped at.
What is Glastonbury Festival doing to cut down on Plastic?
Glastonbury Festival has always been a big supporter of alternative and environmental charities such as Green Peace, Friends of the Earth and Water Aid and this it's doing even more to help the environment this year. We have probably all seen the pictures showing the eerie aftermath left after Glastonbury festival, fields that were 5 days previous full of lush green grass, now littered with plastic, broken tents and beer cans. This year Glastonbury are actively doing something to make this a thing of the past. Their big campaign which has been active for some years now 'Love Worthy Leave No Trace' is now coming across louder and clearer.
This year no-one is allowed to sell drinks or food out of not recyclable / compostable containers, there will be no horrible straws, plastic knives and forks and they have banned vendors selling anything in plastic bottles. It's a good start and a much needed effort in an attempt to strive towards the end goal of becoming a zero waster festival like Burning Man in the US.
Furthermore, when paying their final balance, those who were lucky enough to get tickets had to sign a 'Leave No Trace Pledge'. Let's hope this year the impact is less. I wonder if they have reduced the amount of litter pickers this year??
What to wear to Festivals?
Glastonbury starts tomorrow! So I am going to talk about what to buy for festivals in general as chances are if you’re off to Glastonbury you’re already packed and sorted and we know it's going to be hot, hot, hot! How lucky is that?
Boohoo - Boohoo have some great inspiration festival necessities on their festival page
Bellfield - the must have brand on this years festival circuit! And they have some great discounts. This code gives any visitor 20% off any products in the following categories: Bellfield Spring Summer and Bellfield Festival clothing
Schuh – as ever they have has funky boots for the rain and Vans for the sun.
Hawkshead – your one stop shop for the complete festival survival kit, take this tent for example which has 70% off at the point of writing this blog post.
And, of cource, update from today - getting ready!

Miranda Coombes, mother of 2, passionate about the environment,
keen horse rider, marathon runner and a business owner
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