National Dog Day is Today! Who is offering the best Dog products Voucher Codes?

National Dog Day is Today! Who is offering the best Dog products Voucher Codes?

Who is Offering the Best Dog products Voucher Codes?

Voucher Shares has an office dog as you may know so we are always keen to big up our furry canine friends and celebrate our wonderful retailers who offer loads of exciting dog products voucher codes. A selection of the best dog supplies voucher codes are below but before we highlight these it’s important to ask the question ‘How did international dog day come about?’ and ‘When is International dog day?’ and ‘How can you celebrate international dog day?’

How did National Dog Day come about?

National Dog Day isn’t just about celebrating our canine friends but is also and perhaps more importantly about recognizing the dogs who are in need of our help worldwide. The day was created to recognize all dogs - from family pets, to service dogs, to those awaiting adoption. There are a lot of dogs worldwide who face cruelty and harsh conditions.

When is National dog day?

National Dog Day takes place on August 26th annually. It was founded in 2004 by Animal Welfare pet lifestyle expert and advocate, Colleen Paige to celebrate all breeds, mixes, sizes and colours of dogs. It encourages the public to recognize the number of dogs that need help.

How can you Help Dogs in Need on National Dog Day?

  • Making a donation to your local animal charity is always a great way to support dogs near you who need your support and other animals of course. You could also, donate to dogs for the blind, dogs for deaf people and therapy dogs.
  • Why not volunteer for an animal charity? Guaranteed there will be one nearby so if you have the time and experience why not get in touch?
  • If you are considering getting a dog then it is always great to consider exploring animal charities first, you could save an animals life who might otherwise get put to sleep.

Looking for ways to Treat your Own Dog on National Dogs Day?

Here are a few of our Retailers who have some Great Dog products Offers Available:

Pet Drugs Online offer not just pet drugs but pet toys too so why not buy your canine a treat from here? Pet Drugs Online offer a large variety of Pet Drugs Online Voucher codes to choose from that will help you keep the costs down too.

Dog Chews Online offering great selection of dog chews (hence the name) and dog accessories like dog beds, dog grooming sets, toys and essentials like collars all at amazing prices! But they also donate some of their profits to the Battersea Dogs Home which is brilliant! Dog Chews Online offers a great Dog Chews Online voucher code for you when you sign up to their newsletter too.

Celebrate National Dog Day with Wisdom Panel voucher code for dogs DNA test. Save £15 now 

If you are still looking then for more doggy offers for your pets then you can browse our Animals and Pets Category.

Miranda Coombes

Miranda Coombes, mother of 2, passionate about the environment,

keen horse rider, marathon runner and a business owner

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