Mental Health Awareness week - with You in mind.

Mental Health Awareness week - with You in mind.

This week was Mental Health Awareness week, so we’ve joined in to raise awareness by dedicating this week’s blog to the same topic.

Mental health problems do not discriminate. It can hit anyone, of any gender, at any time in your life, so how we care for our mental health, and those around us, should be something that we are all more aware of.

With approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK experiencing a mental health problem each year, and 1 in 6 people reporting that they have experienced a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week (, it falls down to us and individuals to educate ourselves and others on the matter. 

With mental health on the rise, it’s time we started to take it seriously and raising awareness helps to open up the conversation for those who need a little helping hand. It’s important to remind those who are suffering that they are not alone, and there are people who care and want to help.

Here are our little tips to a healthier mindset.

  1. Get plenty of sleep. A healthy and regular sleeping pattern will do wonders for your stress and happiness levels. Try to get at least 8 hours every night. If you have trouble sleeping then there is no shortage of apps, gadgets and oils to help. Check out our Health & Beauty Voucher Codes and Deals to get some inspiration and save money at ghet same time. 
  2. Eat well. Maintaining a healthy diet means maintaining a healthy mind. Make sure your diet is balanced and you are getting a variety of nutrients and vitamins daily. You don't always have to spend a fotrune on food to eat healthy. Keep track of the latest Food Offers and you will be surprised how much you can save. 
  3. Couple eating well with plenty of exercise. Keeping active is believed by experts to release chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem, help you concentrate, and improve your sleeping pattern.
  4. Are you getting enough sunlight? Probably not, most of us do not get as much sunlight as we should be getting day to day. With busy work lives that often entail an office environment and long hours, we rarely get the chance to go outside and soak up the sun - especially during the winter months. So, make sure you take time to go outside a few times a day. Enjoy the sunlight, breathe in the fresh air.
  5. Do something you enjoy. It may seem simple but doing something that you really truly enjoy will not only release endorphins and lift your mood, but its also healthy to take some time for yourself and do what you truly enjoy. Be it your favourite Arts & Crafts activities, Garden obsessoion, or anything else.
  6. Manage your stress. Learn to recognise when you are stressed and how to ask for help - you are not expected to be able to deal with every stress on your own. Gather a circle of (or one) trusted friends or family who you can rely on to make time for you when you are stressed. Talking about the stress with someone who is ready to listen can help to lift a weight off your shoulders – a problem halved, is a problem shared.
  7. Be sociable and connect with others. It’s important to have a trusted person (or several people) that you can turn to when you need a little help or just to hang out with to take your mind of things. Someone who will be ready to support you and listen. There are also plenty of numbers that you can call as sometimes talking to a stranger can be easier. (Samaritans - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 free from any phone or email jo@samaritans.orgSANEline on 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day). If you, or a young person you know are struggling with suicidal feelings call Papyrus HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141 (weekdays 10am-10pm, weekends 2pm-10pm and bank holidays 2pm–10pm), email
  8. Help others or give to others. A kind gesture can go a long way, not only does it make you feel like you’ve done something to positively impact someone else’s life, it’s also a great way to build friendships and that person may even return the favour in a time of need.
  9. Set up a getaway. Take some time out to relax and get away from your busy life. Escape the responsibilities for a little while and recharge. Go on holiday, or even a quick weekend away to visit relatives can help to take the pressure off. Why not check out an Indian Yoga retreat. This is also a great chance to go off grid and take a digital detox. In the current social media era, the mental health of many is affected by daily exposer to a “perfect” timeline of other’s lives which can lead to irrational feelings of jealousy, inadequacy and more.
  10. Finally, just remember to take it one step at a time. Everyone’s self-care and mental health journeys will be different so just do what feels right for you.  

Share this with your friends and family to help raise awareness not just this week, but every day. Look out for those closest to you, check up on them, and check up again, often those who seem like they are the happiest can be the ones struggling the most.

AT - Resident Student Blogger 


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